tel: 97822768 | email:
No 1 Tuas View Loop, Singapore 637667 | fax: 6862 3277

Place your order for 2" SS Font

You may also order via WHATSAPP/SMS 90622769

Name* :
Delivery Address* :
Postal Code :
Contact No.* :
Email* :
I am interested to purchase the following:-
Font Type
Arial CNF Geek Omi Times

Please remember to select font type

($9 per digit/number/Alphabet)
(durable double-sided tapes will be taped on the back of the digits/numbers/alphabet if you purchase without backing )
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 # A B C D E
(1 dash will be given free of charge per order)
No, I do not need any dash
Yes, I need a dash
House Unit No.
Total of Digit(s)/Number(s)
$ For your reference, digit cost only, delivery cost and backing not included (see below)
Width of acrylic backing range from 200mm to 265mm and the standard height of 85mm
Matt Black Acrylic Backing
No, I do not need to purchase any backing
Yes, I need to purchase a backing for the choosen digit(s).
(we will get back to you on the required size and price {price starts from $18})
Do you need durable double-sided tapes on the back of the backing?
No, I do not need them
No, but please drill 2 holes for me
Yes, I need double-sided tapes
Delivery Method (local delivery only) :
Door Step Delivery = $10
Payment : Via Bank Transfer or Paylah!/PayNow (we will get back to you with the information)
Remarks :  

Enter the code above here

Fields with * are mandatory
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